Access security strengthening plan
Securitas Direct wants to thank you for trusting us daily in protecting your property. Your security is a great responsibility and we therefore constantly analyse the main threats that might affect it to be able to guarantee you the best possible protection.
- Thanks to our great experience with more than 1 million installations throughout the country, we know that more than 80% of attempted intrusions take place at the main door*, making this the access most exposed to this risk. It is therefore essential for your security that the doors to your property and especially the locks are in the best possible state at all times. A good lock and fixing elements are key to preventing attempted burglary or intrusion and to ensuring the efficiency of the alarm system.
- In addition, the figure of false locksmiths has become widespread in recent years. These groups of criminals have already been reported in several newspapers* and by the Security Locksmiths Union (UCES)**, and are formed by individuals who hide behind ads of porches and exteriors of houses and properties. These groups take advantage of changing the locks to get a copy of the keys, with the subsequent risk to the security of the houses or properties where they offer their services.
Given this situation, Securitas Direct has invested in the development and deployment of the access security strengthening plan, which is formed by two main elements:
- Locksmith service:
We have provided you with a network of professional and skilled locksmiths authorised by Securitas Direct. Thanks to this network, if you have a problem with the lock or access to your property, you can simply use the My Verisure app or the customer service to ask for an urgent locksmith service. This locksmith will make no charge for travel to you, or labour or material up to €500, and can be called out up to 5 times a year. We thus ensure that your security is never breached by false locksmiths, and that the entrances are always in the best possible state of maintenance and security. This service also includes all metalwork needed to cover security accesses such as bars or other metal enclosures. - Extension of the static guard service:
We extend the cover time of the static guard by 50% whenever one has to be sent. We increase the maximum time that a guard will be left physically protecting a facility from 2 to 3 hours, at no extra cost to customers. The guards will be sent according to the Securitas Direct security protocols and will always meet the criteria of current Private Security regulations.
*Data obtained from the Alarm Receiver Centre of Securitas Direct España
**Data reported in El País,, ABC and other digital newspapers., ABC y otros periódicos digitales.
Los cerrajeros piden que se prohíban sus anuncios en portales. EL País
Los Mossos investigan un mercado negro de falsos cerrajeros. Candena Ser
Los nuevos ladrones de casas llegan disfrazados de cerrajeros. ABC de Sevilla
Los robos a domicilio aumentan por falsos cerrajeros. La opinión A Coruña